Most people do not think about the items that they carry with them everyday. Even fewer people think about things that they may need on a day to day basis. And for just about everyone there are just some things we do not leave the house without (keys, cellphone, wallet).
For people within the Prepper Community all of these items can be referred to as an EDC or Every Day Carry. If you look online or on YouTube you will find many great resources of EDC's about what to have included, what not to do, or some really great ideas. My contribution to the world of the EDC is that you must make it personal to yourself and your needs.
An individuals Every Day Carry is going to vary depending on the person and according to their needs. I said that one again because I am a fan of redundancies. As you will see in a later image I have redundancies build in to my EDC and that is simply because you never know what you may need (Two is One, One is None). Or you just got tired of hearing yourself say "I wish I had this with me like I did the other day".
One thing that I believe that is important to an EDC is that it is better to over do it then it is wish you had it with you. I have tailored my EDC to my life, which can be odd at times. At the risk of going on a tangent, my life is a bit like a sitcom. The funniest, strangest, and most one-off things that can happen probably will happen in my life. So as such my EDC reflects this as you see below:
What you carry in your EDC in is up to you. I have chosen to use the Red Rock Tactical Sling Bag. It's not too big and has the right amount of space for what I need to take a long with me. Moreover, it has a nice carry conceal pouch on the back and with the adjustable straps it is very comfortable to take just about everywhere.
As to the contents of my EDC there are many things that I take with me on a daily basis because I either use it or I have found myself needing those items. Again, your EDC will vary and it should. It should be tailored to your specific needs. This can be a bit time consuming trying to think things through about what you need, what you might need, or trying to decide if you need certain things. Then there is the costs involved. Remember, Walmart, Dollar Tree, and your local outdoors sporting goods stores (example Sherpers) is your friend.
And it is OK that you have certain items that you change out. For example, I generally try to carry my personal side arm with me (M&P 22). However, it is not something that I can take everywhere I go. Apparently some places want to be sitting ducks in an active shooter situation.
Bottom line, when it comes to your EDC it is never complete. Your Every Day Carry will continue to be a work in progress as you think of new things you need to keep along with you. Speaking of which there are a few more things I need to get added to mine.
As always: Stay Alert, Stay Prepared.
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