Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Winning the Smaller Battles First

If you listen to talk radio hosts for any amount of time you have come to expect them to say things that are provocative or insightful. Part of the job of a talker is to do just that to engage the listening audience in conversation. Then there are some talk hosts that also take to social media and provide some interesting statements that really make you think. Earlier today WISN talk radio host Vicki Mckenna did just that.

In a Twitter comment she noted the following:

I found this to be an extremely fascinating and thoughtful comment. I thought so because all too often we hear people commenting and complaining about the state of affairs on such a large scale that people tend to overlook the minutiae. National debt, NSA domestic spying, assaults on 2nd Amendment rights. All of which are important issues to contend with but in all reality what can be done about those items if we cannot muster victories on smaller scales.

Those issues on the smaller scales are issues that we as individuals can have direct influence within our own communities. Whom we elect to political office on a state level and lower, Common Core implementation within our school districts, or as Vicki Mckenna noted a bill to allow special needs children obtain school vouchers to help them as their families see fit. These are all issues that if we apply ourselves individually can and will coalesce in to actions and reforms that we believe will add to the betterment of our state as a whole.

Often many times you will here me talking about NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) and the reality is that everything that happens in this state is in our backyard. If we are not willing to put in the work to take care of the smaller and simpler issues that can accomplished what hope do we have to deal with anything on the larger political stage?

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