If you recall a few weeks back there was that whole uproar about Phil Robertson and what he said in his interview with GQ magazine. Simply for stating his beliefs regarding homosexuality based on his religious world view it sent the left in to tizzy. Mr. Robertson also made comments about blacks being "happier" pre-Civil Rights era which drew out Jesse Jackson from what ever hovel had been hiding in recent days.
The calls for boycotts and demands for Phil Robertson to apologize were all over the place and resulted in the "suspension" of Mr. Robertson from production. Nothing really panned out as episodes continued to air, Mr. Robertson was "reinstated", and life went on although the show has taken a hit in ratings in recent days. Now whether that is a result of Mr. Robertson's comments, the backlash against A&E for the initial stance, or that people are just tired of the show is yet to be seen.
Then there is #dischick: Madonna
A few days back Madonna was taking pictures of her son while he was doing some MMA sparing. And like parents these days do she took a picture with her phone and uploaded it on to Social Media. What proud parent wouldn't? The problem with this picture is the commentary she adds to it.

Immediately she did receive some feedback (at best) from people disapproving of her particular hashtag. However that was pretty much it. Sure you can run a search and see articles written about this incident but there are no calls to boycott anything she does. Jesse Jackson is no where to be found. The media as a whole is dead silent. And why? Because of a half-hearted attempt at an apology?
"I am sorry if I offended anyone with my use of the N word on Instagram. It was not meant as a racial slur. I am not a racist. There's no way to defend the use of the word. It was all about intention. It was used as a term of endearment toward my son who is white. I appreciate that it's a provocative word and I apologize if it gave people the wrong impression."
READ MORE: http://news.naij.com/57110.html
READ MORE: http://news.naij.com/57110.html"
A term of endearment? Perhaps I am missing few things as I move along in years but my terms of endearment generally do not include demeaning or racial slurs.
One also has to wonder what is she sorry about? I have always been one to say that if someone says something don't be sorry. Stand by what you said. At this point the only thing it appears that you are sorry about is that you were caught, called out, or put back in place from people letting you know you shouldn't be saying things like this.
This story regarding Madonna and her commentary will disappear as soon as it has popped up. Chances are by the time you are reading this story will have gone the way of the dinosaurs. But I ask you all to keep it in the back of your mind. To remember the double standards that left are so found of. To call out what needs to be called out and not just because those folks don't fit your political paradigm.
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