Friday, December 6, 2013

Just How Far Does the Rabbit Hole Go?

In the 1999 Wachowski Brothers movie "The Matrix" one of the main characters, Morpheus, gives the protagonist, Neo, a choice. Morpheus describes the feelings that Neo has been feeling for some time; how something just doesn't feel right but he cannot put his finger on it, that their existence is little more then a shame. The choice given before Neo is in the form of two pills: The Blue Pill, where Neo could continue to live has he has always known or The Red Pill, here as Morpheus points out, he will be given the truth of their existence and will get to see how deep the rabbit hole goes, a reference to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

It has always fascinated me how fiction so often is a precursor to the reality in which we live in.

Of course we don't live in the world of "The Matrix" where we are living batteries for sentient machines hellbent on the keeping the human race content in a dream world. However, we do live in a reality that truly seems to be something out of fiction in so many ways.

For those of us who have taken the Red Pill, we sometimes sit and shake our heads in disbelief when we read the headlines in the news of the day. We wonder what can be done about? What can we do to effect some positive change to bring back the country we know based on individual responsibility, the ability to maximize our potential, and to be able to live our lives with the freedom that our Founders articulated within Constitution itself.

So let's take a look and peek in to how far the Rabbit Hole really goes...

Activist urging President Obama to by Congress
The NSA's Data Mining Facility
Conservative Groups Targeted by the IRS
The Domestic Use of Drones in the US
And the numerous other scandals that seeming to be ongoing

Trying to keep an eye on everything going on could easily be a full time job if one wanted to stay knowledgeable of it all. So many things going on at one time it is almost hard to find a point in time with such an active news cycle that has the potential for direct affects on all of our lives.

It's little wonder then there are so many people who would rather simply take the Blue Pill.

To live a life where your biggest worry is what happened on "Scandal" is so much easier to deal with then the real scandals happen in our country and around the world. People tend to not really think too much about issues such as Common Core in our educational system because so long as the kids go to school all should be well. And probably worst of all is NIMBY.

NIMBY is an acronym that means Not In My Back Yard. I find myself hard pressed to find people that does not have this mindset. For most people, affairs happening overseas, while tragic, do not affect them. Of course one should be for "common sense" gun legislation, because who is against common sense and I don't own a gun. Again, if it does not direct relate to me, let me get back to my regularly scheduled programming.

So, what to do, what to do?

Well, if you are reading this chances are you have already taken the Red Pill. Or at the very least you are staring right at the choices. For those of us aware of situations in our communities, around the country, and across the world it is on us to continue in our work. Engage in dialogue, become politically active in some way, educate those around us on the domino effect that is sure to happen with each and story that comes out.

To those staring at these choices now, you are awake. You know something is off kilter. You see it around you, on television, and in your daily interactions. Take the Red Pill and be part of the dialogue. Take the Blue Pill and go back to your remote. But I ask you to ask yourself this one very important question:

Is it possible to get back to that deep sleep once you've been awaken to the world around you?

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